I TA this course for Sergio de Ferra (the first part of the course, Real Business Cycles and the New Keynesian model, will be taught by John Hassler and TA'ed by Gualtiero Azzalini). In the Assignments we cover open-economy macro models, international capital flows, exchange rates and nominal rigidities, financial frictions and optimal policy. Please send your solutions to my email: [email protected]. I will upload the suggested solutions in this page.
Assignment 4. Solution. Matlab files: Q1b.m and Q3.m
Assignment 5. Solution. Matlab files: main.m, grid.m, solveEGVFI.m, simulateEG.m and statistics.m.
Assignment 4. Solution. Matlab files: Q1b.m and Q3.m
Assignment 5. Solution. Matlab files: main.m, grid.m, solveEGVFI.m, simulateEG.m and statistics.m.